Friday, November 8, 2013

Results :D

Hey guys.  This contest had the most entries of any contest I'd had before, so thank you. :)
Everybody did SO INCREDIBLY well.  You have no idea how hard scoring was. o_o  I had bunches of people in the 10 to 11 point range.  So I got really specific with the 11s, but two people ended up coming out equal. 

Two people tied for first with 11 points each, winkwinkwink and 24lovefancy.

So whichever one of those people comments first gets to pick three prizes.  The second one of those people can pick three from the remaining four.  And the remaining prize goes to ANYONE who comments FIRST on this post. (Other than one of the winners.) 

Alright, it might be a bit until I can get the selected prizes to the right people.  Sorry!

Correct answers were:
1. A newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch. long.  (Hint- think Australia)
2.  The stomach of a cow/goat/cattle has 4 compartments.
3. Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from sand.
4. A dragonfly is the fastest flying insect.
5. Sharks/Jellyfish are immune to all known diseases (Hint-underwater animal)
6. Baby giraffes can be 6 feet tall at birth.
7. The only cat that can't retract its claws is a cheetah.
8. A hummingbird is the only bird that can hover.
9. The largest animal ever seen was a blue whale.
10.  The loudest land animal is a howler monkey.
11.  The sabertooth cat was the most recent feline to go extinct.
12.  The beetle has more species than any other animal. 
Ok, I know some answers are debatable, but I got them from reliable sources like Nat Geo. :) 
Thanks everyone who entered.  Bye until next contest!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Lol! Alright, Lemo gets the remaining prize. XD

    2. Rocky I never get to comment very early because I have a different time zone because I live in Central America ............................. At the very bottom

    3. lemo gets the artist plague!

    4. I also live in Central America.

  2. awe no fair you have a diffrent time zone so i am always still a sleep i just woke up............ Fluffybunny326

    1. Same here. I entered but I was planning on changing my answers XP

    2. Same here although you know that fluffybunny

    3. I'm really sorry about that guys. D: I know that some peeps may have had an unfair advantage. I'll try to make it fairer next time! :)

  3. 24lovefancy here.I would love the beta books , rare bow and arrow , white fox hat and the mummy glove if that's posible.i didn't read the comments so i don't know if winkwinkwink already posted.I'm a non-member so can you tell me your time zone so we can meet up and trade?

    1. oh....whoops i didn't notice i had to choose only 3 instead of four so i'll remove the mummy glove.

  4. Oh wow!! Thanks so much! Hmm, I guess out of these four I'll pick... mummy glove, giraffe sidekix and tall phantom statue?
    Sorry I didn't notice sooner - I had school and homework. D:
    THANK YOU!!!!!

  5. Congrats, Winkwinkwink and 24lovefancy!!!

  6. hey rocky! im kinda new to this blog my bff, fuzzheadlola, introduced me
    could you buddy me
    (also can i know what my score was )

    1. Actually, you were one of the top runners! :D (10 points)
      Thanks for entering, it means a lot.

  7. congrats 24lovefancy!! and winkwinkwink!!!!

  8. 24lovefancy- Let's schedule a time to meet up! Are you on European time?


Be sure to keep your comments kind and not completely off topic. :D Please comment, comment, comment!